I glanced at the person next to me. He embarked the train at the previous station. He is immaculately dressed in new school uniform. He's wearing a light smile, ever enthusiastic about his new school, new environment, and new friends.
He reminds me about myself, also a new boy at IMU in February. Time flies and i had experienced so much this year. University life was bitter sweet. I met so many new friends, new people at my new school. I also found my love, a new relationship i will cherish forever. Sometimes i am so tired of work and assignments. It's kinda tiring to keep up on schedule but i am getting use to it. I must!
I looked into my watch. I can't help fidgeting. I felt like ages since we left the last station. When will we reach the next station!? I looked out of the plastic window of the train. It was partially obscured by mist and the scenery ahead is blur. I am quite anxious. I never venture beyond the previous station. And while i am thinking about what interesting things lie ahead....
Suddenly, the onboard speaker blasted into life with a mature voice, clearing his voice with a light cough. It's the train driver:
"Next Station....2006. Stesyen berikutnya...2006"

2006... just one more step away.