Saturday, December 30, 2006
This will be the last Saturday of 2006. I will spend my day contemplating my new year resolutions......2007 here i come.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
伤城....Confession of pain
Sometimes you think feel the excrutiating pain. An inexplicable pain. It broke you heart. But you just can't tell how bad it was. You find no suitable words to describe. An inexplicable pain. When you really got over it, you can't describe that pain which continues to haunt. It's not of the magnitude of the pain that you can't describe. Its just that you can't describe why you still feel the pain from that healed abrasion, that insignificant scar.....
Confession of pain..... December '06
Confession of pain..... December '06
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Merry Christmas
Yeah!We are in the happy and jolly season.
Soon it will be 2007. Time flies and we hardly grasped it flying pass us. I am happy that i savour every part of it, with all the work and play,ups and downs, happiness and sorrows. And i look ahead for another good year.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!
Soon it will be 2007. Time flies and we hardly grasped it flying pass us. I am happy that i savour every part of it, with all the work and play,ups and downs, happiness and sorrows. And i look ahead for another good year.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!
Friday, December 22, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
Istana Negara Jalan Duta*
Johor got their Economic Developement Corridor, Penang got their second bridge, KLSE surged passed 1,000, and now its time for a gift to our Yang Dipertuan Agong and also a new place KL folks can visit (don't complain KL ppl, at least u have an istana, Kepong only got MRR2, ok!). The government proposed to built a new Istana Negara at Jalan Duta opposite the India High Commission because the old Istana Negara is too tiny for our king. I saw the construction billboard along Jalan Duta, and it reads "Istana Negara Jalan Duta". I used to think that the "Duta" addresses are reserved to ambassadors and dignitaries. Now, even our King has a "Duta" real estate.

In fact, the new Istana is going to be very near the old one. I am sure that there will be people grumbling about the wastage of public funds, bad administration, blah blah...etc. However, i have no comments. Biasa dah.

This is the old Istana Negara. Thanks to Google Earth, i managed to zoom into the Royal Swimming Pool.

The site of the New Istana, its about there, i'm sorry if there's any discrepancies. There's still a problem. Will the city council rename Jalan Duta to Jalan Istana since there's where the future Istana is going to be. The present one would then be Jalan Istana Lama. Hope there won't be Jalan Istana Sangat Lama, Jalan Istana Lebih Lama and Jalan Istana Purba in the future.
*DISCLAIMER: this entry was created based on the typer's own imagination and does not imply directly or indirectly on anything, any person, any body or any laws in any country. the name or indication or description, if any, in this entry is (are) created WITHOUT PREJUDICE OR DEPRIVATION.

In fact, the new Istana is going to be very near the old one. I am sure that there will be people grumbling about the wastage of public funds, bad administration, blah blah...etc. However, i have no comments. Biasa dah.

This is the old Istana Negara. Thanks to Google Earth, i managed to zoom into the Royal Swimming Pool.

The site of the New Istana, its about there, i'm sorry if there's any discrepancies. There's still a problem. Will the city council rename Jalan Duta to Jalan Istana since there's where the future Istana is going to be. The present one would then be Jalan Istana Lama. Hope there won't be Jalan Istana Sangat Lama, Jalan Istana Lebih Lama and Jalan Istana Purba in the future.
*DISCLAIMER: this entry was created based on the typer's own imagination and does not imply directly or indirectly on anything, any person, any body or any laws in any country. the name or indication or description, if any, in this entry is (are) created WITHOUT PREJUDICE OR DEPRIVATION.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Day of the Donkeys
The Mid-term election 2006: Americans voted for their House of Representatives and one third of their Senate. The Democrats got the House, Senates is next.
A lame President is in the making. A lame president trying to be a forest, and failed being a Bush.
A lame President is in the making. A lame president trying to be a forest, and failed being a Bush.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
pledge, turn, prestige
The three fundamental steps of magic i learnt from the movie "The Prestige". Its a great movie and i really enjoyed it. I won't elaborate on the title though. The final revelation was shocking and really never have thought about it. Wow! Comparable to Sixth Sense.
Spoiler Warning! (If u decide to watch the movie, do not proceed on reading)
There's one duplication machine in the movie in which Hugh Jackman duplicate himself and killed the other one to perform a magic trick of vanish and appear. Once upon a time, i imagined a similiar machine like the one in the movie which works like a fax machine but it fax objects instead of messages in form of analog signals. It's a really different from the conveyance of message in faxs and emails in which things are analysed and transformed into signals to be transduced to the other end. Its something like a transporter in which an object would be totally disintegrated and the information about the mass and configuration of the object would be advanced to another machine at the speed of the electical signal. On the other side, a machine of rebuilt and reconfiguration of that object would take place. Thus, an object would be shifted from one place to the other just like an email with a click on a button and this would put all the courier companies into bankruptcy. HAHA! Then i thought of human transportation. But the problem is, when u are broken into pieces and duplicated exactly at the other end, is the duplication of u really u? Do i feel like myself like i did before the reconfiguration? It's like dead and resurrected again, just that the resurrection is not on the same body. Will my 'soul' still will be in the new body? If there's a machine like that, will u risk losing yourself in the process, notwithstanding there's another you in existence. And you never really died.... Will u?
Spoiler Warning! (If u decide to watch the movie, do not proceed on reading)
There's one duplication machine in the movie in which Hugh Jackman duplicate himself and killed the other one to perform a magic trick of vanish and appear. Once upon a time, i imagined a similiar machine like the one in the movie which works like a fax machine but it fax objects instead of messages in form of analog signals. It's a really different from the conveyance of message in faxs and emails in which things are analysed and transformed into signals to be transduced to the other end. Its something like a transporter in which an object would be totally disintegrated and the information about the mass and configuration of the object would be advanced to another machine at the speed of the electical signal. On the other side, a machine of rebuilt and reconfiguration of that object would take place. Thus, an object would be shifted from one place to the other just like an email with a click on a button and this would put all the courier companies into bankruptcy. HAHA! Then i thought of human transportation. But the problem is, when u are broken into pieces and duplicated exactly at the other end, is the duplication of u really u? Do i feel like myself like i did before the reconfiguration? It's like dead and resurrected again, just that the resurrection is not on the same body. Will my 'soul' still will be in the new body? If there's a machine like that, will u risk losing yourself in the process, notwithstanding there's another you in existence. And you never really died.... Will u?
Monday, October 23, 2006
ops! neglected my blog for so long....
dui bu chi my dear blog haha
long time no blog
gonna start all over again then.....
dui bu chi my dear blog haha
long time no blog
gonna start all over again then.....
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Brother's Chinese Essay for Kasturi Tuition
This is how a FORM 5 Mandarin SPM composition looks like, hope the teacher wouldn't faint marking it....
说到手机对人类的好处, 真是要说到三天三夜。 可是,说到手机对青年的坏处, 真是说到三甲子也说不完。我本身认为手机给青年的坏处可以说是盖过他的好处。
首先,我们一起谈谈手机对青少年的好处。 由于科技的发展迅速, 他拉近了人与人之间的关系。对青少年来说, 他们拥有一个很好又方便的方法来谈功课或联络父母亲。 处此之外, 他们也可以随时和朋友谈学业和功课。 初时, 青少年们真的充份利用手机带给他们的好处。 可惜, 在这个时代里, 手机的用处已是不同了。
青少年们现在追求的不是手机的方便, 而是手机的外形。 现在手机的外形实在太多可说是成千上万。 青少年们不惜用上一大笔钱来追求他们对手机的欲望。 有时候, 他们还偷父母的血汗钱来买这些手机。 偷钱已经是手机带来的影响。
除此之外, 有人问“手机对青少年的学业会有影响吗?”, 我可以说是有的。 在某个角度来看, 手机或许对学生的学业有帮助。 譬如说, 学生可以用手机来和朋友谈或讨论功课。 但是现在的青少年真的会这样做吗?大家都知道手机如何被青少年“善用”。 他们时常对着手机不停得按, 人家不懂还以为他们数地上的蚂蚁。 原来他们正在传送短讯, 内容是什么, 我也不必多说,多数是谈男女关系, 毫无意义的内容。 这简直是浪费时间和金钱。
如果说手机的发展是对人类越来越方便,倒不如说他把人类变得懒惰。 青少年们和家人相处时间是很少的, 因为他们大多数的时间都用再学校里读书。 他们很多时候连家人说话都懒惰, 他们只送短讯, 因为又便宜又省时间。 这样的话青少年和家人的关系会越来越远。 时间长了, 恐怕人类会忘了讲话的本能。
根据报告, 手机对青少年的健康也带来了影响。 很多时候青少年会利用手机和朋友长篇大论。 手机发出的热能会使他们的脑细胞坏死。 久而久之, 会影响他们日后的脑部成长。 我们也希望青少年们可以在健康的情况下成长。
其实手机也带给青少年的好处也不少, 只是青少年们怎样善用它。 每个人都应该选择怎样善用它而不是浪费时间在传无谓的短讯。 我们人类是很理性的, 我们应该做出适应的选择。 不应该被天伦之乐害瞎了眼睛。
copyright © 李贵隆
说到手机对人类的好处, 真是要说到三天三夜。 可是,说到手机对青年的坏处, 真是说到三甲子也说不完。我本身认为手机给青年的坏处可以说是盖过他的好处。
首先,我们一起谈谈手机对青少年的好处。 由于科技的发展迅速, 他拉近了人与人之间的关系。对青少年来说, 他们拥有一个很好又方便的方法来谈功课或联络父母亲。 处此之外, 他们也可以随时和朋友谈学业和功课。 初时, 青少年们真的充份利用手机带给他们的好处。 可惜, 在这个时代里, 手机的用处已是不同了。
青少年们现在追求的不是手机的方便, 而是手机的外形。 现在手机的外形实在太多可说是成千上万。 青少年们不惜用上一大笔钱来追求他们对手机的欲望。 有时候, 他们还偷父母的血汗钱来买这些手机。 偷钱已经是手机带来的影响。
除此之外, 有人问“手机对青少年的学业会有影响吗?”, 我可以说是有的。 在某个角度来看, 手机或许对学生的学业有帮助。 譬如说, 学生可以用手机来和朋友谈或讨论功课。 但是现在的青少年真的会这样做吗?大家都知道手机如何被青少年“善用”。 他们时常对着手机不停得按, 人家不懂还以为他们数地上的蚂蚁。 原来他们正在传送短讯, 内容是什么, 我也不必多说,多数是谈男女关系, 毫无意义的内容。 这简直是浪费时间和金钱。
如果说手机的发展是对人类越来越方便,倒不如说他把人类变得懒惰。 青少年们和家人相处时间是很少的, 因为他们大多数的时间都用再学校里读书。 他们很多时候连家人说话都懒惰, 他们只送短讯, 因为又便宜又省时间。 这样的话青少年和家人的关系会越来越远。 时间长了, 恐怕人类会忘了讲话的本能。
根据报告, 手机对青少年的健康也带来了影响。 很多时候青少年会利用手机和朋友长篇大论。 手机发出的热能会使他们的脑细胞坏死。 久而久之, 会影响他们日后的脑部成长。 我们也希望青少年们可以在健康的情况下成长。
其实手机也带给青少年的好处也不少, 只是青少年们怎样善用它。 每个人都应该选择怎样善用它而不是浪费时间在传无谓的短讯。 我们人类是很理性的, 我们应该做出适应的选择。 不应该被天伦之乐害瞎了眼睛。
copyright © 李贵隆
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Bye bye croc hunter
Let's mourn the passing of a great person. Inspiration of many, the great environmentalist and animal conservationalist died doing what he loves most.
I used to dream of being a paleontologist/archeologist. I told my mom that i want to go dig for dinosaur bones and learn their lifes. She told me not to joke around. i wasn't. "Crikey! A Truassic fossil!".... a far-fetched dream. I envy him. Steve.. RIP...
I used to dream of being a paleontologist/archeologist. I told my mom that i want to go dig for dinosaur bones and learn their lifes. She told me not to joke around. i wasn't. "Crikey! A Truassic fossil!".... a far-fetched dream. I envy him. Steve.. RIP...
Monday, August 14, 2006
Once upon a time....

.... there was a big sister and small brother. The elder sister's name is Linlin and the younger brother is called Dude. They were adventurous and loved to explored the wild around their small country cottage.

They loved the turnip garden at the back of their house. They always pick the flowers and gave them to mom.

One day, they wandered too far from their house and got lost in the forest. Unfortunately, they encountered the BIG BAD HORRIBLE tarantula.

They could not do anything while the tarantula kept pressing closer. They were terrified!

Then, their SAVIOUR appeared. DORAEMON arrived just in time!

He jumped down from the cliff!

Thud! Doraemon landed on the tarantula...HARD!

A fight ensued. Doraemon was no match to the powerful and venomous fangs of the beast!

Doraemon took off. He planned to distract the beast from Linlin and dude by running at another direction.

But alas! He reached a dead-end. He was cornered!

He had no choice but pick up a stick and FIGHT!

The beast crawled further towards Doraemon, ready for a deadly strike.

The beast pounced for its prey! Doraemon stabbed the beast with his stick right into its disgusting drooling face!

GOOD triumped over evil! Doraemon killed the beast!

The beast is killed and Linlin and dude were safe!
PS: Dear, this is for u. Don't stress of exam loh. Don't worry about interpretation test la. luv ya!
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Esso Samy
This is the famous Uncle Samy. He's sending gas petroleum tanks to folks in the Sentul-Segambut area in his lorry. He's quite famous in this area, for some unlikely item the back of his lorry.

What's that?

Yeah! It's a tiger...! It's Uncle Samy!
And obviously the tiger is fake. It's just a mascot for Esso, if you didn't notice.

What's that?

Yeah! It's a tiger...! It's Uncle Samy!
And obviously the tiger is fake. It's just a mascot for Esso, if you didn't notice.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
The haze is back. Everywhere is shrouded with a smoky white tint. The acrid smell of smoke is distinct for this annual phenomenone. I don't know who should be blamed, be it the Indonesians farmers or errant industrialists of our home soil. I hope the condition would not deteriorate any further. I would definitely tamper plans of many. And IMU cup season is drawing near. What if the haze really becomes unbearable and outdoors activities are prohibited. I couldn't fathom the consequences. As i would become even fatter... ! hahaha!
Damn it! Why does it come when i just made up my mind for the keep fit regime. Damn those who polluted our air and compromised the quality of our environment.
Damn it! Why does it come when i just made up my mind for the keep fit regime. Damn those who polluted our air and compromised the quality of our environment.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
procrastination kills
I'm procrastinating all the time. There's always tomorrow. I can do my work tomorrow, i can study tomorrow. I left everything to be done the next day, except for watching tv, sleeping, playing games and day dreaming. Damn... I recalled that i was trying to solve this problem. But i procrastinated and was reluctant in taking actions. And so the problem persists and still i'm procrastinating. It goes in a circle. I wanted to do something to solve a problem but i was lazy to do something to solve it. The problem is that the cause of this problem is the problem itself. So to solve a problem by solving a problem which caused a problem is a real problem itself. See. It goes in a cycle. Something must be done. But i still can take action tomorrow. If i don't do it tomorrow, there's always another tomorrow. And this is the problem with the problem. Damn it. Dunno what i am talking about.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Somehow good-looking
I was in the library when i stumbled upon this. I was bored and took some time off my books and something on the wall caught my eyes...

This photo of Prof. Ong with all the other Universities' Dean.
In that photo, he was spotting the same moustache he's having now, just that it's thicker. He was wearing the old-fashioned specs popular then, which accentuates his big nose. This image reminded me of someone...

George Lam
The singer cum actor was so popular in the 80's that so many men were inspired to have moustaches like his. I wouldn't be surprise if Prof. Ong was one of them. Hmm.... but i don't think young Prof. Ong looked like him, though both are equally good-looking. It's something else!
That old photo of Prof. Ong relates me to...

The partying favourite! The specs with big nose and moustache.
Just joking only. I'm sorry if i had offended Prof. Ong. Smiles!

This photo of Prof. Ong with all the other Universities' Dean.
In that photo, he was spotting the same moustache he's having now, just that it's thicker. He was wearing the old-fashioned specs popular then, which accentuates his big nose. This image reminded me of someone...

George Lam
The singer cum actor was so popular in the 80's that so many men were inspired to have moustaches like his. I wouldn't be surprise if Prof. Ong was one of them. Hmm.... but i don't think young Prof. Ong looked like him, though both are equally good-looking. It's something else!
That old photo of Prof. Ong relates me to...

The partying favourite! The specs with big nose and moustache.
Just joking only. I'm sorry if i had offended Prof. Ong. Smiles!
Monday, July 24, 2006
just grave...
The headlines have been dominated by incidents of people being indifferent and intolerant of each other. The insatiable greed for power and wealth of the people at the pinnacle of our social hierarchy have already caused excessive exploitation of the poor. People are deceived into the delusion of freedom and equality. And with this powerful doctrine, their freedom are confined within the boundary of work and productivity. And just as quote by George Orwell, "All are meant to be equal, but some are more equal than the others". Inspite of the promise of peace which is forged amongst treaties of consolidations and alliances, war is easily invoked by condemnation and vengence. With war, people are able to establish themselves as the superior and powerful. And those who are marched to the wars are their subjects who are naive and easily provoked to suite their cause. It's heart-wrenching to see casualties among civilians and innocents. The future is just grave...
UN working as a white elephant for the Bush propaganda. The intervention for peace and justice can be vetoed with ease by a mere gesture . So does any war which works in favour of him and his petroleum empire. In the end, he would be staring at the World Atlas with a smirk, "I just gotcha candy from your grandmother's closet."
UN working as a white elephant for the Bush propaganda. The intervention for peace and justice can be vetoed with ease by a mere gesture . So does any war which works in favour of him and his petroleum empire. In the end, he would be staring at the World Atlas with a smirk, "I just gotcha candy from your grandmother's closet."
Saturday, July 15, 2006
21st bday
I'm officially 21 and adult from today. It's a day for celebration and reflection of the past 21 years of life. I'm an adult now and gonna take more responsibilities. Cannot main-main saja anymore.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Italy World Champs
What can you say more about a game like this World Cup FINAL! Italy won on penalties in which they converted 5 out of 5 of the spotkick. France bowed to defeat with a Trezegeut's missed spotkick and Zidane tarnished his amazing career with a split second of madness by head-butting Materazzi.
The game was an emotional roller coaster. This was only the second World Cup Final which went to the penalties and i was pinning for a French triumph. France lost the lottery. Zidane did not appear for the price presentation ceremony, probably crying in regret over the incident that might be a permanent scar in his illustrious career. Being second best maybe too hard to bear.
Congratulations to the Italian!
The game was an emotional roller coaster. This was only the second World Cup Final which went to the penalties and i was pinning for a French triumph. France lost the lottery. Zidane did not appear for the price presentation ceremony, probably crying in regret over the incident that might be a permanent scar in his illustrious career. Being second best maybe too hard to bear.
Congratulations to the Italian!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
The Asia Lantern Festival

Asian Lantern Festival.
I felt like i was back to childhood where my world simple, colourful, and naive. I reminiscenced about times when i was young and my parents brought me to places similiar to this. I just forgot where it was. It's just so familiar.

Snails and mushrooms

giraffes? girafe? girrafe? shit, i forgot to spell it. Ya, back to childhood. Spelling elementary level.

Four-faced Buddha.

Shah Alam mosque. I walked right through it. It's the first time i ever step foot into a mosque.

This is Dataran Merdeka la.

Phoenix. Still pictures couldn't capture the robotic and dull oscillating motion of the phoenix's head. Looks more dead than alive.
I might like this place if i'm still a kid.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Bye bye ENG...
England is out of World Cup… for good. It may be a heart-breaking experience for the players and fans alike, but the players really deserved the defeat. They had not produced any convincing performances in the whole tournament, not until Rooney got sent of in England’s defeat to Portugal. And sometimes you get punished for that. The penalty shootout was a disaster! We had world class players in Lampard and Gerrard, and all they did was passing the ball into Ricardo’s hand. It was not the only missed chances. Lampard was partly guilty in England’s defeat for poor finishes of chances schoolboys wouldn’t miss. Tactics? There were none. There was no pattern of play. It's cruel for them to lose a penalty against Portugal after a good extra time performance. Let’s look ahead for a better future for England football without Sven. He really did a bad job for 5 million pounds per year.
Friday, June 30, 2006
back for good
Finally, i had some respite from the month-long germany 2006 world cup. We are now at the quarterfinals stage of the tournament and the magnitude and intensity of every game is just like the final. Fortunately for us, as the tournament progress, there will be less and less games towards the ultimate finale. Today is one of the two no football days. A break for the players, or perhaps, a time for us to get back to our normal self. After watching football from midnight till early morning for nearly three weeks, i was near to exhaustion. I refill my sleep time reserves with some normal 7 hours sleep the past two nights. A luxury to have.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
Hate me
Hate me today,
Hate me tomorrow.
Hate me for all the things i didn't do for you.
Hate me in ways,
Yeah ways hard to swallow.
Hate me so you can finally see what's good for you.
And with a sad heart i say bye to you and wave.
Kicking shadows on the street for every mistake that i had made.
And like a baby boy i never was a man.
Until i saw you blue eyes cry and i held your face in my hand.
And i fell down yelling,
"Take it go away!,
Just make a smile come back and shine just like it used to be"
And then she whispered,
"How can you do this to me."
Hate me today,
Hate me tomorrow,
Hate me for all the things i didn't do for you.
If you're sleeping, are you dreaming,
if you are dreaming are you dreaming of me.
I can't believe you actually did this.
Lyrics of Hate Me, Blue October.
A great song and i was really touched.
Hope i'll be a better son in the future.
Friday, June 09, 2006
I woke up and felt very different this morning. The day i patiently waited for the past few months finally arrived. Tonight, the FIFA 06 World Cup will kick off. The opening match of Germany vs. Costa Rica would be an exciting match, as all opening matches in previous World Cups. Football enthusiasts and overnight fans would have all their attention affixed to the match. Unfortunately only a small fraction of people would be able to attend the match live in the stadium. But the game on tv on a family couch would be equally exciting. Since everyone is making a prediction of the outcome of this game, i shall make my own prediction here.
Costa Rica is playing with a 1 and 3/4 handicap. I will bet on Germany to win by a margin of 2. It would be great if anyone offer to eat 2 balls from you.
The other game would be Poland vs. Ecuador. The South American outfit is no match for Poland. They stole a qualification place from CONMEBOL by playing ultra defense away and only step up on gear at home with absolute advantages when they play on high altitudes venues. Ecuador will definitely play defensive tonight and i bet on Poland winning on a one goal margin.
Ecuador is playing with a 1 goal handicap. I wouldn't be surprise the game would turn out to be a draw and bookies will have their first of the great earning days within the one month period this football fiesta.
Costa Rica is playing with a 1 and 3/4 handicap. I will bet on Germany to win by a margin of 2. It would be great if anyone offer to eat 2 balls from you.
The other game would be Poland vs. Ecuador. The South American outfit is no match for Poland. They stole a qualification place from CONMEBOL by playing ultra defense away and only step up on gear at home with absolute advantages when they play on high altitudes venues. Ecuador will definitely play defensive tonight and i bet on Poland winning on a one goal margin.
Ecuador is playing with a 1 goal handicap. I wouldn't be surprise the game would turn out to be a draw and bookies will have their first of the great earning days within the one month period this football fiesta.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
I was bored. I surfed around the net but found nothing interesting. Then sudoku caught my eyes. I never tried any before eventhough i heard some of my friends said that it was a addictive game. I had time to spare and took this opportunity to exercise my rusting brain.
I took quite some time to catch the concept. Quite fun. HAHA! Anyway, most importantly, i jotted down the last 4 numbers i filled in onto the sudoku sheet. Guess that's the only thing i can do with sudoku. I'm going to buy 4D. That was the main purpose of doing it actually, haha! Who knows if i hit the jackpot.

1929 must kena!
I took quite some time to catch the concept. Quite fun. HAHA! Anyway, most importantly, i jotted down the last 4 numbers i filled in onto the sudoku sheet. Guess that's the only thing i can do with sudoku. I'm going to buy 4D. That was the main purpose of doing it actually, haha! Who knows if i hit the jackpot.

1929 must kena!
Friday, June 02, 2006
Dear's off to shanghai for her family holiday. Missing you dear!
Fortunately you be back in a couple of days. Yeah!
Fortunately you be back in a couple of days. Yeah!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
I switched to TV3 to watch the Myteam vs. Malaysia game last sunday after the F1 race at Monte Carlo. And i was shocked that the national team was trailing by 1 goal. It burst into laughter when i saw the results and my father's right. He suggested that the national team is 'lap sap' compared to the glory days of SOH CHI AUN and co. How can our national team which trains day in day out lose to a bunch of amateurs who just started training 3 months ago?!! Where is our national football heading to?
Thumbs up for Khairy and JLo for their effort and dedications in making this team possible. And a bow to the myteam players who are just normal folks, eg. waiter, boatman, toll collector, etc. They really shown the Malaysia Boleh spirit with their relentless style of playing and in the end, they could still have their heads held high even after a defeat.
National team? National football? Dad, i never agree to you more. I don't understand how can a national team perform on such level. They have lost the match if not for the 2 free kicks which went pass the Myteam goalkeeper. SHAME! And the commentator still made some ridiculous excuse that the national team is inexperience and this kind of game shouldn't have been arranged as it would tarnish the national team's image. Haha! Do they deserve any reputation?
Thumbs up for Khairy and JLo for their effort and dedications in making this team possible. And a bow to the myteam players who are just normal folks, eg. waiter, boatman, toll collector, etc. They really shown the Malaysia Boleh spirit with their relentless style of playing and in the end, they could still have their heads held high even after a defeat.
National team? National football? Dad, i never agree to you more. I don't understand how can a national team perform on such level. They have lost the match if not for the 2 free kicks which went pass the Myteam goalkeeper. SHAME! And the commentator still made some ridiculous excuse that the national team is inexperience and this kind of game shouldn't have been arranged as it would tarnish the national team's image. Haha! Do they deserve any reputation?
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Fact Sheet: Sexual Health
Does using a tampon causes loss of virginity?
It's dependent to the cultural and sexual perception of virginity in different cultures and societies. But factually, using a tampon would not cause the loss of virginity. It is only restricted to first sexual experience when you SLEPT with a man. But you mustn't SLEEP with a tampon on. Although it does not qualifies as a sexual intercourse, but it might cause Toxic Shock Syndrome(TSS).
It's dependent to the cultural and sexual perception of virginity in different cultures and societies. But factually, using a tampon would not cause the loss of virginity. It is only restricted to first sexual experience when you SLEPT with a man. But you mustn't SLEEP with a tampon on. Although it does not qualifies as a sexual intercourse, but it might cause Toxic Shock Syndrome(TSS).
i'm so hollow, babeh
Used to think that it's a far fetch dream whenever i see Kevin Bacon disappear in thin air in Hollow Man on tv.
A scientist from Imperial found some way to bend light in such a way that it will literally put you out of sight. Light will just bend around you and you become invisible!
A great invention. Loners would never feel enstranged in an unfamiliar place anymore as they could just make themselves invisible as easily as people ignore them.
No more infringement of privacy as people would never know what you are doing behind your mystical cloak. You wouldn't need to leave digging your nose back home, moreover, eating what you had dug. HAHA!
It makes you invisible, not invincible. So its not a good idea to wander around with your invisibility suit. You might be unlucky that a bulldozer might run over you as you cross the street. It's your fault that you do not want to be seen.
A scientist from Imperial found some way to bend light in such a way that it will literally put you out of sight. Light will just bend around you and you become invisible!
A great invention. Loners would never feel enstranged in an unfamiliar place anymore as they could just make themselves invisible as easily as people ignore them.
No more infringement of privacy as people would never know what you are doing behind your mystical cloak. You wouldn't need to leave digging your nose back home, moreover, eating what you had dug. HAHA!
It makes you invisible, not invincible. So its not a good idea to wander around with your invisibility suit. You might be unlucky that a bulldozer might run over you as you cross the street. It's your fault that you do not want to be seen.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Exam Results
Revelation. Tomorrow i would either be punching the air with joy or sink my head into disappointment. Exam results are due to be out tomorrow evening. Damn scared. This semester's exam is real tough! I wish i can pass every one of them. I don't want a resit. It would definitely ruin my holiday and my plans.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
The Da Vinci Code: The Movie
Manila banned the movie. Thailand censored 10 minutes of the end of the movie. Believers around the world is fuming over the screening of this highly controversial movie. The protest reaches a new height since the introduction of the novel three years ago. It's just fiction! Why grudge about it. The more you do, the more publicity it gains. Why don't just sit back and just take it as entertainment. Or just boycott the movie so that less money goes into their coffers. I watched it today and its a fine movie!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
The Final
Four more hours to the final of the UEFA Champions League. The ultimate prize of europeon club championship. The final show down at Stade de France, set perfectly for the occasion. What lie ahead is not just a competition between players, but a battle of men for pride, honour and most importantly, the accolade of "greatest of all".
Barcelona vs. Arsenal. Champion-elect vs. underdog. Ronaldinho vs. Thierry Henry. FIFA World Player of The Year Ronaldinho shall create magic to consolidate his place in the history as one legends of football. Thierry Henry shall let his skills and potent instinct speak for him, silencing the verdicts of inferiority to Ronaldinho. Tonight, uproars of cheers and moans of anguish would rule the night as fans guarding their TV sets with their eyes locked onto it. I shall lose sleep.
I am a fan of neither both the clubs, but i would not miss a match with such magnitude. The Champions League always promised great entertainment and surprises. Episodes of previous finals are ingrained in my mind and i could still vividly recall Liverpool's magnificient comeback the year before. The jubilant milanese thought they already had the trophy within their grasps and yet, came crashing down into defeat in a matter of minutes.
Will Barcelona win the coveted trophy? Or Arsenal would win something great to avoid another barren season? GMT +8:00 3.00a.m. The beautiful game begins.
Barcelona vs. Arsenal. Champion-elect vs. underdog. Ronaldinho vs. Thierry Henry. FIFA World Player of The Year Ronaldinho shall create magic to consolidate his place in the history as one legends of football. Thierry Henry shall let his skills and potent instinct speak for him, silencing the verdicts of inferiority to Ronaldinho. Tonight, uproars of cheers and moans of anguish would rule the night as fans guarding their TV sets with their eyes locked onto it. I shall lose sleep.
I am a fan of neither both the clubs, but i would not miss a match with such magnitude. The Champions League always promised great entertainment and surprises. Episodes of previous finals are ingrained in my mind and i could still vividly recall Liverpool's magnificient comeback the year before. The jubilant milanese thought they already had the trophy within their grasps and yet, came crashing down into defeat in a matter of minutes.
Will Barcelona win the coveted trophy? Or Arsenal would win something great to avoid another barren season? GMT +8:00 3.00a.m. The beautiful game begins.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
The Da Vinci Code
I bought The Da Vinci Code as a new read during the holidays. There is so much hype around this book and the newly-released movie that i couldn't resist to set my hands on it. I read the previous installation of Robert Langdon's quest of mystery revelation in Angels and Demons but the Da Vinci Code is just as good, if not better, as the former.
The book transpire the alledged cover-ups in Christianity history and mysteries which dwelled among the secret societies which guard the ultimate truth. The story evolved around the works of the revered artist, architect and philosopher of the 15th century, Leonardo Da Vinci. With his creativity and ingenious intepretation of Da Vinci works, Dan Brown really had the readers spiralling down an abyss of confusion between fact and fiction. His assumptions that there were clear indication of metaphors of the biblical character Mary Magdelene in Da Vinci's work and that some historical monuments around Europe manifest some hidden secrets was mind-blobbing. Incessant episodes of code breakings and more code breakings added much suspense to the already intriguing book.
As a buddhist myself, i read this book for mere entertainment and i had no interest in historical facts. I knew there were debates about the authenticity and credibility in Dan Brown's work all around the world. Some Christians were left in tears of disbelief as some theories had shaken the very foundation of their inner faith. Some Christians held strongly to their ground and branded the book heretic and blasphemous. So Dark the Con of Man, and so Smart the Business Man. So smart of Dan Brown. What drew more attention and concerns emotionally than religion itself? With little creativity and some parts and pieces of research of past historians, he produced a fictitious novel which makes his one of the richest and influential writers after JK Rowling.
Then, i thought of another recent controversial book called 1421: The Year China Discoverd the World. The author Gavin Mendes proposed some theories about Zheng He finding the world before Christopher Columbus which caused a stirrup among historians, East and West. But his findings have loose ends and not strong enough to support his argument. Thus, in a documentary by National Geographic, he fell victims the masterful interrogation of the interviewer and his theories fell into parts, one by one. It left Mendes grasping for air, desperately concealing the flaws his ambiguous claims and theories which was quesionable for their credibility. Since then, his book was branded as more of a lie to earn attention and business ventures.
But you can't blame a former sailor and seafarer who had little training in writing like Dan Brown, a graduate of Amherst College and Phillip Exeter Academy for creative writing. With a little more craftmanship and some innovations, he could have made a much more interesting story of Zheng He playing tennis with King George, of Zheng He playing mahjong with the Timbaktu Chiefman, of Zheng He's rendezvous with Red Indians, ec cetera, ec cetera... With a pinch zest and some fabrications, he could have turned a boring book into a money-making machine. Whenever people find faults in his theories which question his credibility as an historian and claiming him as a fake, he could easily flip his book to the back of its hard cover, directing his readers to an inconspicuous corner with a punny statement:
"Work of Fiction".
Then, i thought of another recent controversial book called 1421: The Year China Discoverd the World. The author Gavin Mendes proposed some theories about Zheng He finding the world before Christopher Columbus which caused a stirrup among historians, East and West. But his findings have loose ends and not strong enough to support his argument. Thus, in a documentary by National Geographic, he fell victims the masterful interrogation of the interviewer and his theories fell into parts, one by one. It left Mendes grasping for air, desperately concealing the flaws his ambiguous claims and theories which was quesionable for their credibility. Since then, his book was branded as more of a lie to earn attention and business ventures.
But you can't blame a former sailor and seafarer who had little training in writing like Dan Brown, a graduate of Amherst College and Phillip Exeter Academy for creative writing. With a little more craftmanship and some innovations, he could have made a much more interesting story of Zheng He playing tennis with King George, of Zheng He playing mahjong with the Timbaktu Chiefman, of Zheng He's rendezvous with Red Indians, ec cetera, ec cetera... With a pinch zest and some fabrications, he could have turned a boring book into a money-making machine. Whenever people find faults in his theories which question his credibility as an historian and claiming him as a fake, he could easily flip his book to the back of its hard cover, directing his readers to an inconspicuous corner with a punny statement:
"Work of Fiction".
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Pulau Redang!

Exam was just over last friday and on that night, we packed our stuff and headed to Pulau Redang! We took the 10.30pm bus at PWTC bus terminal and slept our way throughout the journey.
We reached Kuala Terengganu about 6.30 in the morning. We should have reached early if not that the bus driver took his time for his supper break and toilet stops. Fortunately we arrived about the same time our friend in the other bus which left 30 minutes earlier.
We had our breakfast. Kuala Terengganu is a small town and we had some chinese food for breakfast. The food doesn't taste good, perhaps due to the fact that chinese is a minority race in the northern states.
We took a speed boat and reached Pulau Redang in about 45 minutes from Merang Jetty. We were dumbfounded by the scenery. Crystal clear water and a white sandy beach. I will never forget the moment i first lay foot on this island, literally, as the sand is soft like silk.
After a small briefing from a guide, we sprung into action and headed for our first snorkelling trip. Snorkelling took a big chunk of our stay there and i cherished every moment of it. Each snorkelling trip was better than the last and every one of them was spectacular. Its a good feeling of freedom and relaxation to swim among fishes like one of them. And we were lucky to see a couple of turtles, sharks and a super gigantic eel. I never knew the water was so robust with life! Nothing compared to the experience, not even National Geographic. =)
We took part in a squid catching competition organized by the Malaysian Tourism Board. That night, an entourage of 20 ships headed to deep sea to be the champions of cangatan sotong. Too bad i didn't get any sotong. Damn! Anyway, its put a great deal of test to our patience and our stomach. The ship we were on rocked so violently that it left everyone of us nauseatic and put us off contention. Fortunately, at the very last minute of the expedition, Sumin worked miracle and got a 40cm squid. It was his first and the longest of our group. We won the 5th prize for it and got a big hamper!!!
I would not post any more photo on my blog. It will all be on flickr.
Pulau REDANG was GREAT!!!!!
Friday, April 28, 2006
I'm kinda burning the midnight oil since i slumbered during the 2 week long study break. I was desperately cramping my head with facts and definitions but most left my brain unprocessed. I was elated when i read in an article that there's a renowned method which can boost brain power and help memorizing. It's mind mapping!

mind mapping....mapping mapping....
I started at a point in the middle, and it branched out to more facts and definations and so on. It turned out worse than i thought. It adds chaos to my already confused mind. Perhaps its the consequence of fitting a whole chapter of P. Microbiology onto one sheet of paper.

What is this? DA VINCI CODE?
I created something that maybe even Robert Langdon can't decipher.
I shall call this THE EDMOND LEE CODE.
ps: Do not try mind-mapping without any professional guidance.

mind mapping....mapping mapping....
I started at a point in the middle, and it branched out to more facts and definations and so on. It turned out worse than i thought. It adds chaos to my already confused mind. Perhaps its the consequence of fitting a whole chapter of P. Microbiology onto one sheet of paper.

What is this? DA VINCI CODE?
I created something that maybe even Robert Langdon can't decipher.
I shall call this THE EDMOND LEE CODE.
ps: Do not try mind-mapping without any professional guidance.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
A brand new view
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Radio Malaya gig

Radio Malaya gig @ KLPac
Dear asked me to go for this launch party of this music compilation of indie music by some of the local bands like Furniture, Muck, muze etc. She was dying to go and i was more than willing for a new experience.

Radio Malaya poster

KLPac - Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre
We reached Sentul West Park where KLPac was, 20 minutes late. We were welcomed by a breathtaking architecture of KLPac. Its a building of glass and aluminium supports with a pinch of retrospect as they retained part of a old british buiding. We bought tickets and headed into PENTAS 2 where the event was held. The guys were still doing sound testing. So we went to the waiting hall and got our hands on some souvenirs. We bought 2 Furniture t-shirts and a CD. Dear was delighted that finally she found the CD she longed for.
There were good news that indie music would be a new kind of mainstream music in Malaysia. But alas, the attendance at KLPac did not support the claim. Yet, the quality of Malaysian indie music was not justified by the attendance when the whole industry was under the realm of government's fist of power. This little branching of alternative music was supressed up to only that mere exposure to the public.
Fathulistiwa Soundscape
The first band which performs was Fathuslistiwa Soundscape. It was nice and then it was followed by the performance of Furniture. They were what we were waiting for. Unfortunately, their performance was disturbed by some glitches in the sound system. We were standing just right at the stage and manage to catch the actions of the band. The guitarist was just right in front of us and he couldn't hide his frustration with his effect pedals.
Lucy in the Loo
Some of the bands were great, some ok, some bad. They are just my personal opinions and its one of the most prominent characteristic of indie music. Independent musicians made music for themselves and so not all of them would suit our personal moods or tastes.
We left after Harmacy's second song. I had tired legs but i opened my eyes and more importantly, opened my ears 3 full hours of some great music and some noisy ones. haha!
We still had some time to visit the Koi centre at Sentul Park. The centre was specially built to breed mega-sized koi's.
Koi Centre entrance
small jetty at the artificial lake
preserved colonial mansion
Monday, April 17, 2006
2 more weeks to degree exam. It's not really the degree exam alright. It would not contribute to the grades in the end of the exam but its important that i pass this to move on. And the exam was no longer as easy as previous exams anymore. We will be having SAQ's instead of fully MCQs....
I need to study, study and study more in this two weeks of final hurdle towards the ultimate test. GAMBATEH!
I need to study, study and study more in this two weeks of final hurdle towards the ultimate test. GAMBATEH!
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Photo's upload
Uploaded the IMU ball photos onto Road blog.
Click on any thumbnails on the flickr link badge on the sidebar to see the photos
Click on any thumbnails on the flickr link badge on the sidebar to see the photos
Friday, April 07, 2006
IMU Ball
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