Friday, March 30, 2007

Exam is finally over and its 24 since i blogged. Not 24 hours but days, nearly a month.

Relaxed dah! Managed to watch TV and catch up on Heroes, play my games, etc...and got updated on news...

So many funny things is happening to this country.

Privatisation meant to cut cost and wastage ended up being money printing machines for orang besar. Rakyat had to pay taxes for people like me to use LDP. Rakyat had to pay for those companies' profit. The toll i pay is not getting any cheaper though. I pay RM 6.40 per day to travel from Kepong to Sunway to Bkt. Jalil and back.

Prices of medicines is the new hot issue now. The rakyat are charged exorbitant markep-up prices which are around the range of 100% by pharmacies and clinics. After the FTA, the prices would be even higher. It's a laissez faire will little control from the gah-men. Then, the new healthcare policy is under drafting stages in the 9th Malaysian plan. I doubted there would be less privatisation in this reform, as privatisation = money in this country.

I would not make any conclusions yet, but i felt something was wrong. Anyway i am leaving my beloved country to further my studies in a couple of months time. I wished i would not come back to a land where healthcare became a profit-based business of the orang besars, with revenue and profit given the priority instead of the well-being of our rakyat.

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