Monday, February 26, 2007

9th day of Lunar New Year.... 天公诞快乐!

No point filling in the blogs between Lunar New Year and today. They would be about eating, drinking and gambling if i did fill them in. Holiday ends today and Monday blue kicks in. As usual, the holiday is too short and angpau is too little.

Today is also a big day for the film industry where films and motion pictures are awarded the much coveted golden statue of Oscar for their achievements and contributions. Martin Scorsese finally got his award. The Departed which won the Best Picture was adapted from HK's Infernal Affairs. It is an acknowlegdement to the HK film industry.

Most importantly Al Gore's The Incoveniet Truth won the Best Documentary Feature. Perhaps people would have a second look of this film which they use to ignore. Those who ridiculed my poor brother for introducing the film in his class might pay interest in the film and also the global warming. Award always do a film good by increasing its popularity and inflating its box office. Smart move by the Malaysian movie industry to screen this year old documentary in the cinemas only after the Oscars. Don't miss this documentary. Its an Oscar-winning film anyway. You should know more. In cinemas March 15.

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