Thursday, November 02, 2006

pledge, turn, prestige

The three fundamental steps of magic i learnt from the movie "The Prestige". Its a great movie and i really enjoyed it. I won't elaborate on the title though. The final revelation was shocking and really never have thought about it. Wow! Comparable to Sixth Sense.

Spoiler Warning! (If u decide to watch the movie, do not proceed on reading)

There's one duplication machine in the movie in which Hugh Jackman duplicate himself and killed the other one to perform a magic trick of vanish and appear. Once upon a time, i imagined a similiar machine like the one in the movie which works like a fax machine but it fax objects instead of messages in form of analog signals. It's a really different from the conveyance of message in faxs and emails in which things are analysed and transformed into signals to be transduced to the other end. Its something like a transporter in which an object would be totally disintegrated and the information about the mass and configuration of the object would be advanced to another machine at the speed of the electical signal. On the other side, a machine of rebuilt and reconfiguration of that object would take place. Thus, an object would be shifted from one place to the other just like an email with a click on a button and this would put all the courier companies into bankruptcy. HAHA! Then i thought of human transportation. But the problem is, when u are broken into pieces and duplicated exactly at the other end, is the duplication of u really u? Do i feel like myself like i did before the reconfiguration? It's like dead and resurrected again, just that the resurrection is not on the same body. Will my 'soul' still will be in the new body? If there's a machine like that, will u risk losing yourself in the process, notwithstanding there's another you in existence. And you never really died.... Will u?


  1. hey,did the movie REALLY ended with the subtitles n all ah...?

  2. Really ended? what subtitles?

  3. cyber fish..... wat ar??? @_@

    yeah.. prestige was a good show... unpredictable man.. hahhaha...
    go watch it!...

    man transporter machine? woww... its too risky to test it out larh..
    haha.. kia si betul mah...........

  4. as in after the movie ended,got the names of the actors,directors n stuff ma..rite?i mean did da movie really ended with that?coz i heard still got stuff after all da words wo..?

  5. Oh no, i din stay back to watch it
