Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I switched to TV3 to watch the Myteam vs. Malaysia game last sunday after the F1 race at Monte Carlo. And i was shocked that the national team was trailing by 1 goal. It burst into laughter when i saw the results and my father's right. He suggested that the national team is 'lap sap' compared to the glory days of SOH CHI AUN and co. How can our national team which trains day in day out lose to a bunch of amateurs who just started training 3 months ago?!! Where is our national football heading to?

Thumbs up for Khairy and JLo for their effort and dedications in making this team possible. And a bow to the myteam players who are just normal folks, eg. waiter, boatman, toll collector, etc. They really shown the Malaysia Boleh spirit with their relentless style of playing and in the end, they could still have their heads held high even after a defeat.

National team? National football? Dad, i never agree to you more. I don't understand how can a national team perform on such level. They have lost the match if not for the 2 free kicks which went pass the Myteam goalkeeper. SHAME! And the commentator still made some ridiculous excuse that the national team is inexperience and this kind of game shouldn't have been arranged as it would tarnish the national team's image. Haha! Do they deserve any reputation?

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