Wednesday, March 08, 2006

For a better future

I am sitting right in IMU Computer Aided Learning Lab (CAL) writing this post. Hardly find any words to describe my surrounding now, but what i see beyond this room is the picture of the interior of an abandoned building project. Aluminium frames/supporters were set up to support the roof of the alledged additional floor and corridors are now badly lit with flickering bulbs and failing lightings. Every inlet for sunlight was either sealed off or blocked, deluding me into the thought that its after working hours when i should be heading back home onto my cozy bed. And this added to my early morning blues which stressed my eyelids more. They were trying hard to prevent me from dozing into a hibernation.
Despite the fact that the school had promised us that the construction/renovation would not interfere with our lectures and studies, the first thing that welcomed me when i stepped into the Lecture Theatre (LT1) for class yesterday was the noise of heavy drilling from above. The incessant perturbing sound of the drills was really testing our patience. At some point during the lectures, the voice of the lecturers became only mere whispers. I wished i knew how to lip-read. And now, there's an orchestra of pilling and machinery works above. I never knew the school has a collaboration with the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra with Phua Chu Kang as the conductor. I doubt that the contractors adhered to the Indoor Noise Pollution Index.
I wished that the authorities would be more considerate and inform the contractors that they should only carry out the noisy works during the evening or night. Eventhough the works are done for better facilities for us in the future, i would rather not have them if it compromise the quality of our studies.

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