Saturday, February 18, 2006

Ops. Saving Bandaraya

*Bandaraya fishes

This pair of bandaraya fish was from my house's aquarium but we decided to isolate them from the other fishes when they started chasing after them. We put them in a small pail while we decide what we should do with them. It had been a week since they were isolated and on a few occasions, one of them managed to leap out of the pail and ended up on the kitchen floor. And last night, the escape went to the extreme...

Hey, where do u think u are going?!

As you can see, this fish could have easily crawled 5 feet from where it should be. And this daring escape was flopped, not until i found out about it early morning.

Arghh... another attempt failed.
Should have used my skateboard.

*The bandaraya fishes got their name from bandaraya garbage collectors as they also clean up the aquarium by eating up dirt and dung.

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