Thursday, February 09, 2006

Doctor vs. Pharmacist

Dispensing right has been an issue recently that the doctors' association (MMA) and pharmacist assosiciation (MPS) are discussing on to work towards a plan for the segregation of prescription and dispensing of medicine in local environment in tandem with the developement of our country towards a developed country.
The discussion soon became a debate, and then a quarrel which caused a commotion in both the representing societies when some irresponsible personnels from both sides exchanged opinions and disagreement towards each other in the local newspaper.
I came across with two articles on The Star today, both by doctors. Both suggested that pharmacist practice nowadays is in disarray. I was disappointed that they were generalising on judgement of pharmacists based on a few individual cases of wrongdoings of some pharmacists . What dissappointed me more is when i read an article in the Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society (MPS) i-bulletin in which it referred to a letter by Malaysia Medical Association (MMA) president Dr. Teoh Siang Chin to THE STAR newspaper. Afer reading his article, i made an presumptuous conclusion that what he meant in his article is that.....


As many had said that the only obstacle for the introduction of dispensing seperation in Malaysia is because of the lack of pharmacists in Malaysia, particularly in rural areas. But many did not understand that the main underlying reason which impedes the developement of the profession is the hostile local environment where even the upmost representative of the MMA was critical in the role of pharmacists in Malaysia. I even read in a paper by a doctor who suggested that pharmacists only work in the ideal society where doctors prescribe and pharmacist dispense and since we are not living in an ideal world, pharmacists are then obselete. I was staggered by what came from a doctor. Shouldn't we work towards an ideal society or should we just stay put at where we are? Forget vision 2020 then! I would not deny that there are some rotten apples among the pharmacy profession who are unethical but they should not brand all pharmacists in the same category as profit-seeking and irresponsible shopkeepers.
We should not point fingers at each other anymore and should sit down and discuss the prospect of an ideal healthcare service together and also to find out ways in which we could cooperate to achieve the goal of providing the best services for the society. Some doctors should have a change in mindset as pharmacists are here to assist them in pharmaceutical care but not competitors for their business. LET'S WORK TOGETHER FOR A BETTER FUTURE!
PS: some discussions on the IMU forum clearly indicates how badly they comprehend the pharmacy profession. And credit to this article which rebuked the MMA president.

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