Wednesday, December 28, 2005

No blog for today

Sorry for leaving the post empty yesterday. I would like to express my apologizes. To punish myself for my laziness, I am going to leave a blank post today...

WHY i leave a blank post? :

Because i got nothing to write about
because i need more time, so no more time for blogging
because i need to finish my foundation pharmacy essay
because it is due next week
because i just found out it is due next week
because no one told me earlier
because i need to watch tv
because tv programmes are more interesting than blogging
because i can't watch tv from 7.00-10.30pm soon
because school is going to reopen
because its going to be busy when school reopen
because ppl say sem 3's timetable is very hectic
because have to prepare for orientation
because new batch of students are coming in
because i have more reasons
because i have to play computer games
because i just bought a new game dvd
because NBA 2006 and PGA Tour 2006 are nice
because games are addictive
because its really hard to win
because i need to spend much time playing to win
because EA Sports can't cheat
because the game is playing me, not the other way round
because i am starting to play just to win
because i am not playing to enjoy
because i should be, it is meant to be
because i need to finish the books i planned to read
because there are a few of them
because The Singapore Story: Memoirs of Lee Kuan Yew is very thick
because it is as thick as a Cambridge dictionary
because i need to finish the comics my cousin lent me
because there are 20 of them
because i need to return them back to him
because my aunt sent me some books
because its the chronicles of narnia
because so many things happened nowadays
because i have nothing to write in my blog today
because i did not encounter anything interesting
because it is so not happening at home
because i can't go out
because i am broke
because bro took the car to The Curve
becaues i am procrastinating
because i should have finish all my task during the whole holiday
because this will be a never ending story
because you are so mou liu to read all the crap i wrote

There goes my blank post for today

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