Friday, December 23, 2005

A different Christmas after all

Nothing is more depressing than grim reality. We knew that we should be optimistic but we just can't help ourselves in thinking about the worst consequences. The news of the death our late Datin Seri Endon is real saddening. But it was even more heart-breaking to find out that my aunt was diagnosed with the same disease suffered by our late First Lady. Our families' Christmas holiday joy was dealt a cruel blow. To know that Grandma was too worried and skipped her mahjong rendezvous was really disheartening. She hadn't missed it before.

Waiting during the operation.
At least mom n aunt had a moment for a light chat when aunt is not around.

Mom is going to spend a night with aunt at the ward. My bro and I went for a walk while waiting in between the operation. We went around the hospital and nearly got lost in th compound. I took a photo.

Perubatan Nuklear.
I joked that they are making nuclear bomb tablets in there.
bro: "Lame..." and tried to peep inside.
me: " ...don't get too close, later u get mutated."
bro: "Lame..."

We found a sundry shop and bought Clorets. Then we saw Delifrance around the corner. Wow, a cafe in the hospital. Had Papprika chicken sandwiches. Then, we headed back to the ward just in time.

Aunt was fine after the operation. It was a success and aunt regain consciousness soon after that. She looked fine, only a little weary.

I had another wish for the new year now. I wished that aunt will recover soon and everyone around will stay healthy and happy. I told myself that we should not be worried too much. Everything will be fine soon. It will be what it should be. Anyway, it'll be a different Christmas after all.

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